Hip Hop Icons Exhibition
Hip Hop Icons is the newest exhibit from the archive of the Black History 101 Mobile Museum. The artifacts reflect a broad spectrum of cultural and historical material spanning over five decades. Educator, scholar, collector, and entrepreneur Dr. Khalid el-Hakim is celebrating 30 years of collecting memorabilia this year with Hip Hop Icons being a huge milestone as a stand-alone exhibit. The Black History 101 Mobile Museum exhibits usually travel location to location for a day or two with Dr. el-Hakim always present. Hip Hop Icons provides a unique opportunity to experience the depth and breathe of hip hop culture through rare primary source material showing a wide variety of ways hip hop has made an impact on popular culture. Albums, cassettes, CD’s, concert flyers, magazines, toys, photographs, paintings, and clothing items reflect the contributions on some of the greatest hip hop icons not only in the world, but also inclusive of Michigan stateside icons.
The videos below were taken from a visit to the museum by exhibition curator Dr. Khalid el-Hakim, Professor Griff of Public Enemy and Umar Bin Hassan of The Last Poets.