S.T.E.A.M. Seek and Learn in the Sculpture Garden: Sculpture Garden Plant Life
Do you know what a sculpture garden is?
It is a very pretty place where you find plants of all types like trees, bushes and flowers nicely designed with sculptures. There are also some benches all over the garden for you to sit and enjoy the outside, plants and sculptures. Our garden is called the Jo Anne and Donald Petersen Sculpture Garden. They wanted all visitors to have a beautiful place to visit and enjoy the garden and sculptures. They were friends with Marshall and own one of his Flying Wild Geese sculptures.
It is a very pretty place where you find plants of all types like trees, bushes and flowers nicely designed with sculptures. There are also some benches all over the garden for you to sit and enjoy the outside, plants and sculptures. Our garden is called the Jo Anne and Donald Petersen Sculpture Garden. They wanted all visitors to have a beautiful place to visit and enjoy the garden and sculptures. They were friends with Marshall and own one of his Flying Wild Geese sculptures.
As we walk through the garden we’ll learn about science and art.
Jo Anne and Donald Petersen Sculpture Garden Map
You can see a map of where all our outside sculptures are located and pictures of them. Click here to view our sculpture garden brochure: https://www.marshallfredericks.net/uploads/1/2/6/6/126697254/sculpture_garden_map.pdf
Look at our map to see where all the sculptures are located. How many sculptures can you count? If you said 21 and 4 in other campus locations, you are correct.
Let’s walk through the garden. Look at your map to see the floor plan.
First let’s learn about plants. What are the 5 parts of a plant?
If you said roots, stem, leaves, flower, and seeds you are right.
Did you see any flowers? Take a photo of the flowers you find and share them with us.
How can you identify flowers and plants? We examine an artwork using the visual elements such as line, shape, texture, and color. Let’s do the same with your flowers and plants.
- Line is a continuous moving point. Can you see line in your plant? For example, the stem/branch is line and veins in the leaves are line.
- Do you remember learning about shapes like a rectangle, oval, circle, and more? Shapes can be organic with curvy lines or geometric with straight angles or a combination of both. What shapes does your leaves or flowers have?
- Texture is how something feels or appears. For example, if you look closely at a leaf it may look smooth or have tiny cracks and wrinkles. These are textures. What texture does your plant leaves or flowers have?
- Can you remember what primary colors are? (red, yellow and blue) What are the secondary colors? (green, orange and violet) Flowers come in a variety of colors. What color is your flower?
Now that we examined the flower’s elements, we might be able to identify them. Technology is helpful to us. A tip to help identify plants and flowers is a free app called PlantNet. If you take a picture of the plant part such as the leaf, fruit, or flower, the app will help you to identify it. There may be other apps that can do this too.
Look at the photos below. See if you can identify these flowers from our garden? Then see if you can you find them in the garden? Click on each image for the answer.
Don’t forget to Participate in the GLBR STEM OST Passport Program:
Please remember in order to participate in the Passport program, log five (5) STEM experiences across the Great Lakes Bay Region to win a prize from the MiSTEM Network (while supplies last). Access this site for more information at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfESy_jW-RNWG8KGQ_20ev6e6_HXVqgjtdH1hqnj17CY7x-MQ/viewform
To be eligible, you will need to visit and/or attend five (5) different STEM destinations or programs and take photos of your child participating in STEM activities. Please send the pictures to [email protected] and [email protected]
Also, feel free to post them on social media and tag us at Twitter: @stemgreatlakes or Facebook: @stempipeline.
You can e-mail all five experiences at one time or send them after each visit. All experiences must be completed by June 30, 2021 to be eligible for a prize.
For more information, please visit: https:/ /www.stempipeline.com/out-of-school-time/
Find more Marshall Fredericks Sculpture Museum virtual activities and resources at: marshallfredericks.org
Share your garden pictures with the Museum Facebook post at @marshallfredericksmuseum, and Instagram #marshallfredericksmuseum
Did you know our garden is a Pokemon location. Check it out!