The Book
The Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum, in collaboration with our partners, have selected “The House of Mango Street” by Sandra Cisneros as our NEA Big Read: Great Lakes Bay Region book for several key reasons. The first is our shared commitment to continually promote cultural awareness, celebrate diversity, and practice inclusion. The subject matter and themes in this book allow our organizations, in partnership with each other and our audiences and communities, to do just that particularly around our Latinx communities and more generally around all of our various neighborhoods. This book will allow us to highlight and celebrate our region’s Latinx communities through story and discussion as well as other presentations and projects. The book’s themes including social class, race, language, identity, belonging, adolescence, sexuality, gender, domestic and sexual abuse, and neighborhoods will allow us to connect our sometimes-disconnected communities in the Tri-County, Great Lakes Bay Region and come together around shared stories and community-made art.
ResourcesBook Reviews
Mill Creak Academy GoodReads Patrick T Reardon Latinopia Lesson plans for teachers House on Mango Stret Teachers Guide YouTube Video At the 2021 American Alliance of Museums’s Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo in June, Chicana writer and artist Sandra Cisneros took the virtual stage to deliver remarks on museums, storytelling, and inclusion, followed by a conversation with Carlos Tortolero, Founder and President of the National Museum of Mexican Art. Now the full recording of Cisneros' keynote is newly available to all. |